Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means
Hey Gorgeous, Welcome to the Find Your WAI podcast where we are answering the question “Who Am I?” which is what WAI stands for. I’m your host, Lindsey Means, Biz Alchemist + Human Design Expert. 👸 I help soulpreneurs step into their royal Empress birthright by embodying their Human Design, activating biz alchemy, and cultivating Sacred Union within. I’m so grateful you’re here, now let’s get started!
Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means
#101 - The Power of the Solar Plexus: Emotional Authority in Human Design
In this episode, Lindsey dives into the heart of Human Design: the solar plexus center. Whether you're an emotional authority or navigating relationships with one, this episode unpacks everything you need to know about the defined and undefined solar plexus, emotional waves, and the profound impact emotions have on our lives and connections.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- What it means to have a defined vs. undefined solar plexus.
- How emotional waves function and why they’re integral to decision-making.
- Practical ways to support emotional authorities and navigate your own emotions.
- Tips for harnessing the power of emotions to catalyze creativity and connection.
Packed with stories, insights, and actionable guidance, this episode is a must-listen for anyone ready to deepen their understanding of emotions, relationships, and their unique Human Design.
- CLICK HERE for the Human Design Weather course
- CLICK HERE for Understanding the Centers in Human Design by Robin Winn
- CLICK HERE for the Definitive Book of Human Design by Ra Uru Hu
- CLICK HERE to learn more and book a 2-hour Aligned Relationship session
- CLICK HERE to listen to the Big 3 in Human Design episode
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(Transcribed by TurboScribe.ai. Go Unlimited to remove this message.) Hello, gorgeous. Welcome to the find your way podcast where we are answering the question, who am I, which is what way stands for. I'm your host, Lindsay means human design expert and business alchemist. I help female solopreneurs step into their Royal Empress birthright by embodying their human design, activating biz alchemy and cultivating sacred union within by harmonizing masculine and feminine energies. I'm so grateful that you're here. Now let's get started. Hello, gorgeous. Let's talk about emotional authority. So this is going to be a game changer podcast. Please share it with anyone and everyone in your life, especially if they are an emotional authority, because in my opinion, there is so much conditioning around this center. It's huge. So in this episode, I'm going to break down what the solar plexus is in human design, what it means to be undefined or open and what it means to be defined and how you can support the people around you, especially if you have an undefined solar plexus center. So first things first, if you are an emotional authority, it may say emotional solar plexus, that means you have your solar plexus defined. If you are not an emotional authority, that means you have your solar plexus undefined. Now, if you're looking at the chart, the solar plexus is the center on the right hand side. And before we get too deep into this, I want to give a little mini breakdown of the chart, especially if you're new to human design. So when you're looking at your chart, it's going to look weird. The first time I saw my chart, I was like, what the fuck am I looking at? This is weird. It looks like an alien language. So human design combines astrology, Kabbalah, I Ching, the chakra system and quantum mechanics. It uses your birth details to generate your unique energetic blueprint. I like to think of all of those modalities layered on top of each other. And that's what you're looking at when you're looking at the chart. So all of the shapes, there's nine shapes. Those are based off the chakra system. That is where you're transmitting and receiving energy to and from other people. All of the shapes that are colored in, there's going to be different colors, red, brown, yellow, green. They're going to be colored in. And when it's colored in, it means it's defined. And when you have a defined center, it means you have consistent access to the qualities of those centers. It's who you are when you're alone, you're an influencer. You're transmitting the qualities of those centers out into the universe and other people who have them undefined are picking them up and amplifying them. So that leads me to all of the white centers on your chart. If you have white centers on your chart, which most people do, especially if you're a reflector, all of them are going to be white. The white centers are called undefined or open and the undefined centers. This is where you are going to school in life. This is where a lot of your wisdom lies because you're learning about the qualities of these centers through other people. So you'll learn more about what that means as we get further into this episode. Now you're going to see numbers in each center. Those numbers are based off the I Ching. There's 64 of them. I like to think of them as individual personality traits. I don't really dive too deep into the numbers. Now, if you do want to dive deep into them, I highly suggest using gene keys for that. Now, next we've got numbers that are high, some of them are highlighted and there's little lines coming out of them. So when two numbers connect, they create what's called a channel. And that's what turns the centers on. That's what creates definition. And then you've got channels that are hanging and they are looking to create definition. So your body is an all intelligent vehicle. It's like a self-driving Tesla and your soul, your spirit, who you are, you're designed to be the passenger and just enjoy this ride called life. However, due to conditioning society, all of the things you're sitting in the passenger seat, trying to take over the wheel. And this is where human design comes in and says, here is how to operate your mind and your body. And the mind gets in the way a lot of the time. So your body already knows what it's doing, but oftentimes your mind is like, wait, what are you doing? No, we got to do something different. And that's a lot of the, a lot of that is based on conditioning. So your body is naturally moving you like your body naturally wants those hanging gates to be connected. And so they are moving you towards people and, and people impact your aura. So your human design will never change. However, you are impacted by the people around you when you're within six feet of someone you're sharing energy. And there's also something called the human design weather. And if you want to learn more about that, I'm going to put a note in the show notes. I have a course that is inside of the Empress sanctuary, and you can learn all about that. So with the, with the, the line, so the lines are connected that creates the channels. You're always kind of looking for what you don't have, if you will, to feel that, that energy. And then what else we got, we got on the left-hand side, you've got a, you've got two columns on the left and the right, everything that's red in your chart is, is unconscious energy within you. Human design does believe in reincarnation, whether you believe it or not, it's just innate unconscious qualities within you. Think of it like your body. This is what your body is naturally doing. You can't control it. You it's just doing it. And your mind may not understand it. Now, everything that's black in your chart, this is conscious energy within you. Your mind will be able to wrap its brain around these qualities. You can control these qualities a little bit more. So some of the numbers that you have are going to be conscious and unconscious, which means also AKA black and red. If they're black and red, it means you've already learned about it and you've got more to learn about. So that's a little breakdown of the chart. So now let's get into the emotional solar plexus. So when you're looking at your chart, the solar plexus is the triangle on the right hand side. If it is defined, your chart will say emotional authority, and that center will be brown. If it is not defined, then you, it'll be white and you will not be an emotional authority. So what does this center do? This is a center for emotions. This is the emotional center, and it's a powerful motor center. There's four motor centers in the chart and think about emotions and how powerful they are. This is a very powerful center to have, and it also can be a little exhausting. So the solar plexus is all, if it's defined, I'm going to talk about the defined first. So if you are an emotional authority, you are constantly transmitting emotions out into the universe. You are a radio station, and I'm going to talk more about how your radio station operates, but your radio station is constantly pumping out emotions and it's, it's adding, it's pumping that out into the ethers and other people pick it up and amplify it. And we'll talk more about that. So you are not designed to be spontaneous because your emotions are ever changing. You are not designed to make split decisions. And that's what your authority is. Your authority helps you make decisions, which we'll talk a little bit more about. So you are constantly transmitting out emotions. There's no truth in the now for you because your emotions are ever changing. You are an influencer with emotions. Other people are feeling and amplifying your emotions. And we'll get into that in a little bit. So you are an emotional being and there's nothing wrong with you. And we'll get more into that later. So now let's go to the opposite of that. If you are not an emotional authority, if you're looking at your chart and the triangle on the right-hand side is not Brown, then that means you have an undefined solar plexus center. So for you, when you're by yourself, you're cool, calm, and collected. You're neutral emotionally. You are, you are picking up the radio, the emotional radio waves of the emotionally defined people around you. But when you're alone, you are not a transmitter for emotions. You are a receiver and amplifier of emotion. So I have an undefined solar plexus. And when I'm by myself, I'm cool, calm, and collected. I used to say neutral or like neutrally happy, but I'm not even that. It's just emotionally. I'm just chill. And I, I remember asking my therapist a long time ago. I was like, am I a sociopath? Because sometimes I don't know how to respond emotionally to people. Like my clients, I was doing hair at the time. And I was like, my clients could tell me that their parents died. And I'm like, I don't know how to respond. Like I'm looking to them to be like, are you, are we sad? Are we angry? Like what's going on? I don't know. And it's uncomfortable. And if you resonate with that as an undefined solar plexus person, there is nothing wrong with you. Now, emotions are overwhelming. Oh my God. Emotions can feel, it can feel like I'm tossed in the ocean with emotions. And so this is where it gets real good because 50% of the population are emotionally defined beings, their emotional authorities, and the rest of the 50% of the population we're taking in and amplifying all of your emotions. And to us, there is something wrong. So I'm going to give you a story. My sister is an emotional authority. I'm not. And this was before I learned about human design. She would walk into the room and I would feel her. Now you emotional authorities, you got a really good poker face. However, it doesn't work for us because we feel you. So with the emotional solar plexus, so with the emotional authority, Kelsey, my sister would walk into the room and I would say, what's wrong? Because I'm cool, calm, and collected until she comes in. And then I feel her emotions subconsciously. And I don't know, like my peace has been disturbed. And I'm like, there is something wrong here. And then she would be like nothing. And in my head, I'm like, you are lying to me because something is wrong here. Something needs to be fixed. And then we'd get into a fight. I'd go into my room, 15 minutes later, we'd be laughing and everything would be fine. So then I learned about human design and I was like, oh my fucking God, it was the emotional Thor. It's the emotions. So now, first of all, regardless of your human design, please stop saying what's wrong with you. Most of you who are saying what's wrong with you to other people are probably undefined solar plexus people. And the people that you're saying what's wrong to, they are probably like my sister and emotional authority. They can't control their emotions. They don't even know what's happening half the time. And so now if my sister or an emotional authority walks into the room and I feel them, I would say, hey, Kelsey, it feels like you're angry right now. Is there anything I can do to support you? A, it brings awareness to their emotions. You as an open, undefined solar plexus person, you are an emotional barometer. The defined solar plexus people, they don't know what they're feeling half the time. So if my sister walks in, it feels like she's pissed. I can say, hey, it feels like you're pissed right now. Is there anything I can do to support you? It gives them an aware, it brings awareness to them. Like, oh yeah, I am actually pissed. And it's because you didn't take out the trash. Could you take out the trash? And I can say, yes. So you're giving, first you're bringing awareness to their emotions. Second, you're giving them an opportunity to receive support. And then if they don't want support, you got two options, in my opinion. The first option is to ride that emotional wave. You're like, oh, I'm not normally, I don't normally feel this anger. Like this is where passion comes in. This is where like, it's a passionate center. It's a motor center. There's a lot of energy behind emotions. And so you're like, oh, okay, let me ride this angry wave. Let me feel into it. And then, or the second option is to get the hell out of dodge. If you get, if you go past six feet of someone, you're going to disconnect from their energy. I think I said it earlier. If you're within six feet of someone, you're sharing energy. So I could go into my room and just like my example earlier, 15 minutes later, I come out, the emotions are ever changing. Remember, like they're always shifting. They're always flowing. And so then I come back and we're laughing and everything's good again. So this is something that I highly, highly, highly, highly, highly encourage you to adopt, especially if you are an open undefined solar plexus person, because there's nothing wrong with the emotional authorities, but because we didn't learn about this, we think that there's something wrong. We think that something needs to be fixed. And can I tell you that this is a game changer, a complete game changer in relationships, because now you can hold space for that person. And I remember reading, I think it's in the book, understanding the centers and human design, which I highly recommend by Robin Wynn. I'll link it in the show notes. And she, I'm pretty sure she talks about this. She talks about how you can, each center can go into God portal mode. And when you have an undefined solar plexus center, one of the God portals is to be able to be a catalyst for those emotions, to help the other person catalyze them. Because just because you're an emotional authority doesn't mean you know how to deal with those emotions. And unfortunately, most emotional authorities have been demonized for their emotions at one point in their life or another. And so now it's about learning how to trust your body. And this is natural. This is your body's natural way to catalyze emotions. And we'll get into, we'll get deeper into that in a minute. But I remember one time I was in person at a retreat and I was doing sessions. And this woman, we, we hit some grief and she just started bawling and we are sitting like face to face, pretty, very close. And I, and I was holding her, her hands. And then I started doing light language. And she grabbed my arm and my forearm. And I remember this rush of grief rushing through my body. And I started crying and then she started feeling bad. And I was like, no, like I'm supporting you. Like I'm a clear channel and I can catalyze these emotions. So I want you to think about it this way. If an emotional authority is having a, let's say they're angry or they're upset or they're mad or they're sad or grief or whatever, that's like a cat five hurricane going on at the top of the ocean. But if you sink, if you sink far enough to the bottom of the ocean, you don't even know there's a hurricane going on at the top. And so you can become a black hole of emotions. And this is a really powerful thing, especially if you are a coach or someone who works with people one-on-one, especially in person, because I feel like we're feeling people's energies virtually, but it's not the same. And so if you can get used to the fact of there's nothing wrong here, I can hold space. I can be the bottom of the ocean. I can be an emotional catalyst, a black hole to suck all of the emotions, but not keep them in my body. I let them flow through me. It is a powerful thing to experience. I was like, Whoa, this is really freaking cool. So now I want to get into the different types of waves. So this is going to be for you. If you are an emotional authority or if you know an emotional authority. So I'm going to list the channels. So when you're looking at someone's chart, remember the channels are where two numbers connect. And so whatever channel you or someone you love or someone you're close with or whatever, whatever channels they have, determine what emotional wave they have. There's four, there's four different waves. So the first one is called an individual wave, and this is channel 2212. So if you've got 22 and 12 and they're connected, then this is you. And this is also 39 and 55. Now, all of this information I got from the definitive book of human design. And this is straight from raw. And so I will link this in the show notes as well. So these are my notes from that book. And you could also use chat to BT and get more information on this. Like, Hey, I'm an emotional authority in human design. I have channel 2212. Will you tell me more about this? But I'm just going to go over some bullet points and how this shows up because I feel like it's so freaking important. Now, remember, this is going to be for you. If you are an emotional authority, if you know, emotional authorities, if you are a coach, a guide, a healer, someone who works with people one-on-one, like you can utilize this information. I cannot tell you how many emotional authorities that I have talked to that I'm like, there is nothing wrong with you. One person is coming to mind. She was in her mid fifties and she started bawling on our session. And she has one of the more explosive waves, which I'll talk about in a minute. And she was like, Lindsay, my whole entire life, people have been telling me there's something wrong with me. And you're literally telling me that this is how I'm designed. And I like, I started crying. It was such a powerful moment. And this is one of the reasons that I love human design. So we're talking about the individual waves. So this is going to be channels 22, 12 and 39, 55. So the way that I explain this is your emotions move from one end of the spectrum to the other. It's like pretty steady, but with little peaks and like peaks and valleys, peaks and valleys, the emotions travel from one end of the spectrum to the other. You could be passionate and then you could be moody and it's pretty even with short bursts of emotions going up and down. And so it's really about like you are a moody person and it's really about like, like not being around, especially if you have 39, 55, like when you're in a mood, just go take time for you. Like just know when to be alone, like knowing when to be alone and knowing when to be social makes all the difference for you. And you're going to go through like it's peaks and valleys. You're not meant to stay in a low for very long. And so it's really important to understand and honor your emotions. Think about every single like major, I'm not an art person, but a lot of the art people were depressed as fuck. Right? Like I've had an emotional authority reach out to me one time and she was like, Lindsay, I'm in a low. What do I do to get out of it? And I was like, nothing. Do not try to get out of your low because the moodiness, the melancholy, the, the, the, all of those emotions, the quote unquote bad emotions, first of all, emotions are just energy and motion. There's nothing wrong with them. But the, the emotions that we think are bad, depression, moodiness, like melancholy, whatever, that is a creative void. That is a creative space. And if you can just honor your body and honor the mood that you're in and allow that creativity to bubble, I can almost like, I, I've been there so many times where instead of trying to get out of it, trying to be happy, trying to be this, trying to be that, like, I always say like 50% of the population, just be is impossible for 50% of the population. If you're an emotional authority and so honor your lows for everyone, honor your lows, because that's where so much magic happens. So the individual wave is pretty chill. Like this one's a pretty chill one, you know, know when to be social, know when to be by yourself and honor your emotions. So next we get into the tribal wave and this one is definitely more expressive. So you have a tribal wave. If you have channels, 1949 and 3740. Now the way that I described this one is it's pretty chill for the most part until an expectation wasn't met. And I have gate 19 and my mom has gate 49. And so I've recently just had this download. My dad's an emotional authority. Sister's an emotional authority. My dad has a channel 3740. My sister has one that we'll talk about next. So when I was around them, I was connecting to their energy. Now with my mom, when I'm by my, when I'm with my mom, both of us have undefined solar plexus centers. But when we're together, we activate this channel. And I'm going to tell you a story after this to kind of give you an explanation of it. But the way that I described this channel is it's pretty chill for the most part until an expectation wasn't met. When the expectation wasn't met, the way that I've experienced this is there's pressure that's in my, in my root center. And it's like a tea kettle. It's like pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, until all of a sudden explosion, you are meant to have outbursts and explosions. And it's basically following like a buildup of upsets that expectation that wasn't met. And it, it, it basically like the, the pressure it's like pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, and then explosion, and then chill again. And so touch is very important for you. Like when the explosion is happening, physical touch is very important. Now you may be listening and you're like, I don't want to touch anyone when I'm exploding. I would invite you to experiment with that. And even with yourself, like right, like when you're feeling that explosive energy move through you, allow it to move through you, maybe give yourself a hug, maybe touch your arms, like touch is very, very important. So really feel into the touch and like experiment with that. And it's, it's just like, like I said, you're pretty chill. And then the expectations aren't met and it builds up and then all of a sudden explosion and you're meant to explode. So I, anytime I see someone who has channel 1949 or 3740, I'm like, man, I feel so, I don't feel bad for you, but I can only imagine the type of conditioning that you have. So I want to explain how this dynamic works with other people. So my dad has 3740 and he would explode and I am an undefined solar plexus person. And so if my dad is exploding at a level 10, I could be exploding at a level 20. And remember, if you're an emotional authority, you are the emotional influencer in the room. The rest of the people who are open, they are almost mirroring back your emotion. So you can only imagine a, a, a man who grew up and was born in the fifties and mid fifties, and he probably got demonized for his emotions. And so he sucked them in, but everyone can feel them. And then he definitely did explode. And I'm the only, me and my mom are the only open solar plexus, undefined solar plexus people in the room. And so dad's exploding at a level 20, I'm feeling and amplifying that emotion to a level 20, and then I'm mirroring it back to him and it's his own emotions. And oh my God, my dad and I got into so many fights and he didn't really do that with my sister because in my opinion, in my experience and observations, emotional authorities don't really impact each other. You're impacting the open, undefined people around you. And so this one can be violent. Like the tribal wave can be a little violent and like a little kid with the, one of the, the 1949 or 3740 is probably going to be the kid that's like throwing tantrums and, and just like exploding. And then think about all of the parents who are like, no, don't do that. Like tantrums are kids natural way to regulate their nervous system. And I've told so many moms, I'm like, just let them explode. Like just let them throw the tantrum because they, their bodies already know how to catalyze these emotions. It's when you're like, stop being a baby, stop doing that. Get ahold of yourself and all of the other bullshit that people get taught taught. And spoiler alert, you're probably parenting like your kid, like your parents parented, even if you don't want to. And so if you're a parent, there's nothing wrong with you. If you're a parent, you're doing the best you can with the resources you had. Human design was created with kids in mind. And I do have an aligned relationship session. This is for couples or families. It's between two, it's essentially a two hour session that we go over two to four charts. And so I will I will drop that the link below because I love doing these sessions, whether it's a relationship or a family so that you can learn more about your people. And especially the kids, all you need to know are their strategy authority. They're already living by design. So the other thing with this is I was talking about my mom. I have gate 19. My mom has gate 49. So when we're together, we define the emotional solar plexus. And I remember there was one time for my birthday, my mom did not bake my carrot cake right. And I punched it. And I just got an expectation wasn't met. I got so fucking pissed. And I was just like, raw, exploded, punched the cake. And my poor mom's probably like, Oh, my God. And I would be so explosive as a child. But that's not me. That was the emotional channel that my mom and I created or my dad. And so it's such a powerful thing. This is why your family dinette like when you're with your family all of the time, like you're taking in their energy. This is why you're learning through your family. And this is why a lot of times when you go and you live by yourself, you're like, wow, this is who I actually am. And so it's a very, very powerful thing. So next we get to the collective wave. So this is channels 36 and 35. And then 4130. So with these ones, the way that I explain these ones is that you you are here to experience super high highs and super low lows. So your wave is activated through desire and feeling. It moves into peaks and valleys, ebbs and flows, the high highs and then the low lows. And generally the lows hit when an expectation wasn't met. And so it's like the the wave is meant to desire and feeling is really important for you. And it moves from peaks to valleys. So it's like, OK, you're you're rising up on some higher emotions and then you peak out and then you're rising up and then you crash and the crashes happen when the desire or expectation is not met. And so one of the notes that I have is the trick to transcending this wave is to enter into something just for the experience without placing any expectations on outcomes. And can I tell you that every single person should adopt that? Like as humans, I think we have way too many expectations that are unrealistic. And that's why so many of us are depressed. And it's just like, OK, cool. That expectation wasn't met. I learned something. Let's move on. And so my sister has this one and we shared a room together. And if when I have children, they will be having their own rooms because human design believes that every like everyone should be in their own aura. Everyone should have a space where they are in their own aura. And so my sister and I have bunk beds. So when I slept, I was within six feet of her and she had super high highs and super low lows. My sister was suicidal at some points and I felt that. And I was like, man, I don't feel like I'm a depressed person, but I'm depressed. And so it was like I was depressed at my household. But then when I left my household, I was like, sigh of relief. And so this one there there's really like it's really that expectations and just really understanding that expectations like when you're in a low, generally it's because an expectation wasn't met. So if you have the collective wave that I'm talking about now or the previous one, the tribal wave, the forty nine nineteen or the thirty seven forty expectations are huge for you. So when you're in that low, when you have that that explosion, first of all, there's nothing wrong with you. Second of all, maybe if you want, you can dive into that of like, OK, where did I have an expectation that wasn't met? Did I communicate that expectation? Is it a realistic expectation? Is it unrealistic? It's not about not going to that place again, but it's about rewiring and reframing your experience with expectations. So last but not least, we've got the source of all wave mechanics, which is the intimacy channel. Fifty nine six. I personally I love this wave like this wave is like it feels so good. So I'm going to read my notes for this one. So all wave mechanics start start at fifty nine six. This is the intimacy intimacy channel of mating, birthing new life, subtle, gentle up and plateaus. You need if you have this, you need passion, desire and human connection. So this one's pretty chill. Like this one's a pretty chill wave. And it's it's essentially the it operates out of the sixth gate. This is where the emotional wave is created and then it reaches.