Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means
Hey Gorgeous, Welcome to the Find Your WAI podcast where we are answering the question “Who Am I?” which is what WAI stands for. I’m your host, Lindsey Means, Biz Alchemist + Human Design Expert. 👸 I help soulpreneurs step into their royal Empress birthright by embodying their Human Design, activating biz alchemy, and cultivating Sacred Union within. I’m so grateful you’re here, now let’s get started!
Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means
#100 - Dragon Energy Unleashed: Transformation, Power, and Sovereignty
In this episode, Lindsey dives deep into the transformative dragon energy that has been guiding her spiritual journey. From powerful emotional releases to reconnecting with her inner strength, Lindsay shares how dragon energy symbolizes profound transformation, wisdom, protection, and personal sovereignty. She explores the connection between masculine and feminine energies, using dragons to heal the root and heart chakras, and activating your full potential. Get ready for an enlightening conversation about how dragons can guide you through transformation, healing, and alignment in your personal and business life.
- CLICK HERE to start your 7-Day Free Trial for the Empress Sanctuary and then click the following links for the modules:
- CLICK HERE for Healing the Core Wounds of Humanity course
- CLICK HERE for the Rejection and Abandonment wound module
- CLICK HERE for the Witch Wound module
- CLICK HERE for the Empress Method module
- CLICK HERE to watch the Dragon Reel
- CLICK HERE to connect with my psychic healer, Monica
- CLICK HERE for the first Oracle Dragon deck I started working with
- CLICK HERE to connect with my Light Language mentor Activations with JJ
✨ Thank you for listening! Check out the links below to connect with me!
- 👸 CLICK HERE to start your 7-day free trial for The Empress Sanctuary membership
- 👩🏫 CLICK HERE to check out the Find Your WAI online courses
- 🔮 CLICK HERE to book a 1:1 Alchemy Session
- 🥳 CLICK HERE to connect with me on Instagram @lindseymeans_
(Transcribed by TurboScribe.ai. Go Unlimited to remove this message.) Hello gorgeous, welcome to the Find Your Way podcast where we are answering the question, who am I? Which is what WAI stands for. I'm your host, Lindsay Means, business alchemist and human design expert. I help women step into their royal empress birthright by embodying their human design, creating alchemy in their lives with ceremony and rituals, and cultivating sacred union within by harmonizing masculine and feminine energies. I'm so grateful that you're here, now let's get started. Hello gorgeous, let's talk about dragons. I am so excited for this episode, oh my god, I feel like I've been wanting to do this episode for a while, but it hasn't been the right time until now. So what triggered this? What did I, what am I responding to to create this, to create this episode? Well, last night I had a very, very, very, very powerful emotional release and I'm going to explain what happened because this is how, oftentimes, how I heal in response. So I was on Instagram explore and there was a reel and it made me really sad. It was talking about essentially like breakups and remembering the good times and blah, blah, blah. And I am not going through a breakup by any means, but over in August, in July, August, I had an amazing 30 days with a man and I have been kind of clinging on to hope that there will be something there. And this is a huge, huge, huge, huge thing that I'm moving through right now, clinging on to things that are not good for you. I have an open spleen center in human design. It's the triangle on the left-hand side. If it's white, it means it's undefined or open. If it's brown, it means it's defined and either way you can be in the shadow. What are you clinging on to that isn't serving you anymore? This is a huge, huge, huge thing to ask yourself often. Identities, people, places, ways of being, ways of doing, clients. There's so many things you can cling on to. And I've been clinging on to this hope from this man, but it's been three months. It's been three months since I've really connected or hung out and he friend zoned me and it's beautiful. He did it in a very beautiful way. But since then I've just been clinging and I haven't been expressing the emotions. And so this real triggered me to bawl my fucking eyes out. And I fell to the floor in my ceremony, my ceremony blanket. And I was wailing, screaming, crying, snotting everywhere. And it was fucking hard. Grief is hard. Like, and then I was thinking about all of the rejection that I've experienced in my life. And it, it's been a thought I've never, I've never been treated well in a relationship. And a lot of that had to do with me. I can't blame the person because I attracted those people in, but I have never been able to risk. Let's put it this way. I've never been able to receive what these men have given me because of my limited beliefs and my experiences and the rejection wound and all that shit, which by the way, we go into the rejection wound and healing the core wound of humanity, core wounds of humanity in the emperor's sanctuary. So I will link that below. If you want to dive in, we have a whole rejection and abandonment wound segment in there. So I was bawling my eyes out. And then I swear to God, God is my DJ a lot of the times. And this song came on and I just, I had moved through the grief and I was coming on the other side to some sexual energy. And so I'm twerking and I'm just kind of screaming. And I, I was going to record myself in the grief, but I couldn't be bothered. Like, I don't know how people do it when they're recording themselves when they're in the grief. Cause I couldn't even function. And I was like, Oh, I want to share this, but then I couldn't. And so then when I got into the, the sexual, the dragon energy, the, um, the excitement, the, the magic, that's when I was like, I'm going to record this. And so I recorded it and it was intense. I'll drop, I'll drop the link below. Um, and that real went viral, viral. Um, and I have had pretty much equal parts of people being inspired and like, cause I'm screaming, but it looks like I'm possessed. Um, and I'm like twerking and then screaming. And it's just, it's a, it's a lot before I posted it. I was like, do I really want to post this? But it felt like a hundred percent hell. Yes. And I still stand by my decision. And so I use some hooks in there for sure. Uh, to get, I use some strategy to get some eyes on that video for sure. Um, but the, the actual content of the video is really powerful. And it's something that I do by myself. When I'm by myself, I scream like that when I'm by myself, I twerk like that when I'm by myself, I do what I'm doing in that reel. And so about 50% of the people are like, Oh my God, this is amazing. Thank you for being so vulnerable and brave and blah, blah, blah. And then the rest of the people are like, you are possessed. You are a demon. You are caught. You are Jezebel. You are like, just hate, just a lot of hate. And I've been talking about calibrating to this kind of stuff because I had a reel that went viral. I had like a 1.8 million views and it was just a remix of the Gen Z Bible. And so every time I opened up my app, I had a hundred, like a hundred new likes, like 20, 50 new followers, tons of comments. And a lot of the comments were like, this is terrible. And I can't believe this. And this is a blasphemous to God. And, and just, you know, all of that, those types of comments. And so I was talking about how this is prepping me for when my content goes viral. Well, guess my content went viral. And there is a feature on Instagram where you can say only people you follow and your followers can comment. And so I implemented that because I was deleting comments left and right from all these people who are like, you're a demon, you're possessed, you're a terrible person, you're a slut. I just noted on your fucking photo, where is your only fan phase, like page, like all of this, like, you know, vulgar type of shit. And so I did that, which is better because now I don't have to do recon. But anyways, a lot of people are talking about dragon energy, like what the fuck is this? And so that was why I'm making this podcast episode. So dragons have been coming to me since a child. And when I was around three years old, I shut down my gifts. I don't remember why, but my psychic healer, Monica, I'll drop her in the, um, I'll link her in the show notes because she's amazing. And we had a session one time and she was like, Lindsay, like you really shut down when you were around three years old, because people told you, no, people were scared of you. People were scared of what you were doing, probably your parents and the adults around you, and you sucked in your gifts and you shut off. And that's very much true. And so on this healing journey that I've been on since 2017, I can't remember when it started happening, probably 2019, 18, 19 dragons started coming to me. So on my walk, there is a house that has a dragon mailbox. They have a dragon wind vane. I started seeing dragons everywhere. And this is something that happens on the spiritual journey. It's like when your spirit animal comes to you or when something comes to you and it's time, it's time to learn about it. It's time to connect with that energy. And so I bought my first Oracle deck and I will link it in the show notes because it is an amazing deck to get, start getting used to the dragons. And when I was little, I loved the hobbit. And like, I always, I didn't like how they depicted smog as an evil dragon, but I always loved dragons. And so I had this meditation that I would do where I was like smog, but smog was a good dragon. And I was dancing around in the gold and I was just in visit envisioning abundance and his protection and just started really connecting with the energy. And then when I started doing light language, my light language mentor activations with JJ, I will link her in the show notes as well. She was like, your light language is a combination of dragon, Arcturian and mama earth. And it's something I haven't heard before. And whenever I sit with ayahuasca, I go to some dragon kingdom and I don't remember a lot of what happens in ceremony, but dragons have just been really fucking powerful. And I feel like I'm a dragon activator. And the last, I think I might've talked about this in one of the episodes, but the last ayahuasca sit that I did, my intention was to activate dragon. I was activating my dragon aspect. So I have a female dragon aspect, LD dancery that I've been connecting with. And then I have a male dragon that I think came through during the ayahuasca, his name is and I've been connecting with both of these dragons as like aspects of who I am. Like I am a dragon. And I think I've talked about this in some episodes, but before recently, I remember talking about dragons to my friend, uh, day Monte. And she, and then she was like, Oh, I'm connecting with dragons. And I remember feeling like, that's my thing. Like, I want to be the only one that's connecting to dragons. And then during the ayahuasca set, everyone started connecting with dragon energy. And I was like, man, I want to be the only one I want to be special. And then I realized, Oh shit, Lindsay, you're a dragon activator. Like you are talking about this energy. And so it is starting to present itself to these people and everyone has dragons. Everyone has dragons. There was one time where I was reading a dragon book. I can't remember what it is. Uh, and I turned the page and there was a dragon. So, Oh man, I, I messed that story up. Okay. So rewind when I was a little kid, before I got shut down, I, I was in the bathtub and I, and I remember telling my mom, look, mom flying monkeys. And my mom freaked out. And I think she was like, no devils. And like, it was like, it was not a good experience. And so then I'm reading this dragon book and I flipped the page and there was a flying monkey. It literally was exactly what I remember seeing. And it was like this dragon frequents children. And so once I had that like confirmation, I was like, okay, like I am definitely connected to dragons. Now you might be thinking like, okay, but what the fuck does that mean? So on my dragon journey, I have learned from various sources that dragons will start coming to you when you have healed your root chakra, which is masculine. It's about safety and security and also your heart chakra, which is feminine. So to me, dragon energy is like a sacred union. It's harmonizing masculine and feminine energies. It's like Kundalini, but even more powerful and dragons are brash. Dragons are harsh. Like my dragons tell me all the time, Lindsay, stop being a little bitch. Like they've been telling me this for years and they are, have been pushing me a lot. And I, I work with them through the Oracle decks, through the energies and through, um, light language and dragons are just like, they're, they are coming back to, they've always been here. Everyone has at least one dragon. You've got a protection dragon. You probably have an elemental dragon. Um, you have at least one and everyone can connect with dragons. I'm not special. And this, I set the intention that this episode will activate you and your dragons and dragons will start coming to you if you're ready. Like that's, what's happening in the Empress sanctuary. It's so magical because the dragons are coming to the empresses and they're seeing them in the meditations and they're connecting with them. And it just so fucking cool. Like, it's like, this is my life's work is that I get to activate this energy within people. And so I wanted to give you like, more of a definition of dragon energy. So I did use chat to be T for this, but it says dragon energy is a powerful and transformative concept rooted in myth, spirituality, and energetics. It symbolizes strength, wisdom, protection, and the ability to bring about profound change. Dragons are often seen as guardians of sacred treasures, representing the spiritual journey of uncovering hidden power and potential within oneself. So a lot of the key aspects of dragon energy are transformation, alchemy, wisdom, intuition, protection, boundaries, power, sovereignty, connection to the earth and to the cosmos. And the ways that you can connect with them are visualization and meditation. Like go to YouTube and search a dragon, activate dragon meditation, and I'm sure you'll find one. Ceremony and ritual. Like you can, you could use like dragon's blood Jasper, or you could use the crystal they suggest or obsidian garnet dragon's blood Jasper. And just setting the intention. I said that your intention creates your reality. I set the intention to call upon my dragon. I want to connect with my dragons. And journaling around it. Like the options that they give, that ChadGBT gives is what area of my life requires transformation? How can I embody more dragon energy, strength, wisdom in my daily life? What boundaries do I need to protect my energy and purpose? That's a big thing with dragons is like boundaries. They are boundaries. Queens, kings, and symbolism and art. So this is how it started. They started coming to me. I just started seeing them everywhere. And with the dragons, it's, it's really about awakening the latent power within you and fearlessly stepping into your truth. And that's what I'm doing right now. Like I am stepping into my truth in a major way. I'm a Leo sun with a eighth house in the eighth house. And I feel like this shift from Pluto into Aquarius is really activating me to step the up and to not be afraid to share me looking like I'm possessed on, on a reel on Instagram. And you know what, if you look at that reel and you're triggered, welcome to the club. One of my community guide, Carrie, she was like, Lindsay, I was really triggered by that. I've had friends before with my twerking videos that say like, I'm triggered. And thank you because I got to look at myself. Like why am I being triggered? Because I, I look pretty fucking sexual in that I'm embodying sexual energy, which it's very much a dragon energy, like dragon. And sex is fucking powerful, sexual energy, sensual energy, life force, energy, pleasure. That is part of being a motherfucking manifesting generator. And it's really like, I'm, I'm currently in my detachment and dark fae era and really diving deep. Like for the past three psilocybin and ayahuasca sits, like sexual energy has been a very big theme, a very big fucking theme. And I've been pushing that away because that is scary to me, but I have a lot of Scorpio placements. I've got a lot of eighth house placements, which is taboo, which is sex, which is the underworld. And just like this real demonstrated people are uncomfortable with sexual energy. People are uncomfortable with emotions. I am screaming and, and just like letting emotions move through me. And people are like, get this. No wonder why this woman doesn't have a partner. No wonder why she's been rejected. And it's like, no, like if, if this were witch hunt days, I'd be fucking dead. I would be fucking hugged because people are basically, it's a witch hunt on my reel right now before I, I canceled the comments, but you know, this is why we're afraid to step into this stuff. This is why we're afraid to step into our power. This is why we're afraid to share our gifts because we don't want to be canceled. We don't want to be killed. Like you probably have a witch wound, which by the way, that is in the core wounds of humanity. So if you want to dive into the witch wound, I will link that below. But if you do anything in your business that has to do with anything remotely witchy, whether that's using incense, Oracle cards, energy healing, channeled messages, using your third eye, using your psychic gifts, you probably have a witch wound. And if you have a witch wound it's preventing your people, it's preventing you from stepping into your full authentic motherfucking power. And it's also preventing your people from finding you because you're watering down your gifts because there's a subconscious part of you that's fucking afraid to get hung, afraid to get murdered or raped or pillaged or whatever because of your gifts. And that is still out there in the frequency. Like this reel has a hundred K, um, views right now. And before I turned the comments off, like I said, it was, it was pretty brutal what people were saying. And I even had someone slide into my DMs. It was like, I'm praying for you. You are blasphemous to God on your knees like that. And I'm just like, bro, like I love God. I connect with God every single day, but it's not the same God that you think of because I feel like God is in the profound and the profane. And if you can't recognize that you, you don't believe in the same God that I do. And that's okay. You, you can do, you do you, but my God is in the profound and the profane. And so with dragon energy, at least with my dragons, they push me, they push me to step out of my comfort zone. They push me to utilize my gifts. They push me to, to poke at people a little bit. Dragons are cheeky. Dragons are brash. Dragons will fuck you up like in a good way. But sometimes I'm like, damn bro, like, can you just chill out a little bit? Um, but the dragon energy is coming in hot and I'm going to be stepping more and more and more into that. I have been circling around to the beginning of this. What are you clinging onto that is not serving you anymore? I've been clinging onto two things in particular and I am letting them go. And I'm so fucking excited to see what is going to pour in. Because if you're holding something so tight, and I've done this exercise on a podcast before, but I want to do it again. I want you to squeeze your hand as tight as you can and just keep squeezing, keep squeezing. It's probably going to start hurting. And then I want you to try and put a finger inside of it. Like you can't get anything inside right now. I want you to relax. And for me, my hand is a fucking claw right now. And it hurts as it's unraveling. Well, that's kind of what happens when you're clinging onto something that's not good for you. You're clinging, clinging, clinging, so nothing can get in. And then when you decide, when you make that decision, I am fucking done. I am letting go of this right fucking now. It's going to hurt a little bit as your fingers start to relax because you've been clinging on for so long. And so you have to be, you have to get comfortable in that uncomfortability of the release of it. Because sometimes it's not just a, okay, bye. And you're done. Like sometimes it takes some effort. It takes some action to get rid of things that you've been clinging on to. And so what are you clinging on to? We are all, we've got like a little over 30 days left of this year. What is not serving you? Like what is going to be detrimental if you bring it into 2025? That is what you, and I don't like using the word should, but that is what I would be highly, what I would highly recommend you do is to think about what are you fucking clinging on to? Where are you struggling harder than you need to struggle? Where are you out of alignment? My god, like I've been so frustrated in this one area of my life. So fucking frustrated. I have exerted so much frustration, so much negative energy. It's like the train has been wanting to go one way, but I've been pulling it the other way, the opposite way with my frustration. And if you are a generator or manifesting generator, wherever you are frustrated, you are out of alignment and you are giving your power away. And when there is, I want you to think about it like the reverse of a magnet. Like when you are satisfied, the magnet is magnetizing. It's pulling everything that is for you to you. But when you're in frustration, it's repelling everything, even the things that are for you, because you are in frustration. You are out of alignment. The magnet isn't fucking working. And I have been feeling that so fucking hard that because I've been clinging on to this one thing in my life, it's been preventing money from flowing in. It's been preventing my business from doing what it needs to do. And it is fucking scary. I'll tell you why it's fucking scary to let go of something that you've been clinging on to forever. It's scary to step in the unknown. It's scary to bet on yourself. It's scary to go all in on yourself. It's scary. Like it's really fucking scary, but it's so fucking worth it. It's so fucking worth it. And when, when you let go of systems, people, places, identities, the identity is a big one. I have been shifting into this impress identity for a very long time. And I feel like with the Pluto shift, I shifted. It's like, girl, even if you wanted to go back to the old version of you, you can't like she gone. And it's still, it's like a baby deer that just got born. And it's like, like wobbly on its legs. Like that's where, or a butterfly that just got out of the cocoon. Like that's what I feel like right now. I feel very fucking wobbly. And I am also feeling the strength coming back. Like my literal body, I've been sleeping like nine, 10 hours a day. My body has been going through it. And really ever since the Aries full moon. And just like, I have my, um, Ari, my Aries moon is in, uh, I don't know what house my moon is actually, but because of Pluto and Capricorn, I've been learning lessons around the second house and Pluto is still in the second house of money and self-esteem, but it's got a new flavor with Aquarius. And can I tell you that, especially as a fixed sign, I'm a Leo son with eighth house placement. I think I already said that I'm feeling these Pluto vibes. I'm feeling the revolution. I'm feeling the Aquarius energy. I'm feeling the air. I feel like the life is being breathed back into me and it feels good, but it also is like, okay, Lindsay, like just one day at a time, just one day at a time. Like you have to put the pieces in place before you can fully run. And I'm close to running, but it takes some time and it takes surrender. And it takes, it takes a lot. And this is why the Empress method, which I'll link below has been so powerful because I'm able to go and move through these things with as much ease and grace as I possibly can. And so the moral of this story is a, I really hope that this activates your dragon. In fact, I'm going to do a light language activation and my intention is to activate your dragon. And what does that mean? It means to support you in healing your root chakra. You have to feel safe in order to receive it. So it'll support you in healing your heart chakra so that you can let down those walls so that you can receive and give more love than you've ever experienced in your motherfucking life and really tapping into this sacred union. And so if you want to receive this, go ahead and take a nice deep breath with me and let it out and receive this activation for your dragon. Go ahead and take a nice deep breath and let it out. So with that, if you want to connect with your dragons, do a meditation, set the intention, start, get an Oracle card deck. Those are the best ways that I have found to start connecting with your dragons. And if you really want to connect with them, like they'll just start coming to you and it's so much fun. It's so much fun. You'll start seeing them on Instagram. You'll start seeing them in books. You'll start seeing them in stores. They'll just be flocking to you and then use your psychic gifts. Everyone has psychic gifts. Like you have psychic gifts. I'm not special. Use your gifts to connect with them. Use your intuition to receive their messages, journal with them, meditate with them, dance with them, play with them, utilize the cards. They are here to support us. And you know what? I see a world where we will be able to see the dragons. And I feel like the light workers, the healers, the whatever you want to call yourself, we're going to see them first. And then the rest of the muggle people, the people that are awakening, they're going to start seeing them too. And I, I feel like it's going to be less than 10 years that we're actually going to start seeing them again. But for now, you can connect with them energetically and they are here to support you. They're here to help you. They're here to help you be sovereign. They're here to transform your life. They are not easy to work with sometimes, but that's part of the fun. It's part of the fun to allow them to push you because you know that they're going to hold you. You know, they're going to protect you. I call upon my fire dragon every single time I leave my house to create a fiery wall of protection around me. And I call upon my deep blue dragon to create a wall of protection around my car. And every time I'm moving, I call upon so many dragons because of their power and their magic, and they want to support us, but we have to ask them. We have free will. They have free will. Like we have, they can't, they're not just going to help us. Like we have to ask for it. So go ask for your dragons to connect with you. If you want to really deepen that, come join the Empress Sanctuary. They show up with pretty much every single activation we do. Um, and check out the resources in the show notes. And as per usual, if you want to talk about this or have a conversation, DM me on Instagram, and I hope that you have a beautiful day, gorgeous. I'm so grateful that you listened to this episode of the find your way podcast. If you want to connect on a deeper level, I would love to invite you to start your seven day free trial of the Empress Sanctuary membership. The main focus of this membership is to help you step into your Royal Empress birthright. We focus on embodying your human design, activating biz alchemy and harmonizing masculine and feminine energies. If you love this episode, share it on social media and tag me. I'm at Lindsay means with an underscore. If you like this content, subscribe now so you never miss an episode and I'll see you next time.
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