Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means
Hey Gorgeous, Welcome to the Find Your WAI podcast where we are answering the question “Who Am I?” which is what WAI stands for. I’m your host, Lindsey Means, Biz Alchemist + Human Design Expert. 👸 I help soulpreneurs step into their royal Empress birthright by embodying their Human Design, activating biz alchemy, and cultivating Sacred Union within. I’m so grateful you’re here, now let’s get started!
Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means
#99 - Cultivating Sacred Union Within: Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies
Dive into the transformative world of masculine and feminine energies in this episode. Lindsey explores the concept of cultivating sacred union within by harmonizing these energies to create a balanced and empowered life.
Through personal stories, Human Design insights, and actionable practices, Lindsey sheds light on the shadows and gifts of both the masculine and feminine, guiding listeners to heal deep-rooted wounds, reclaim their power, and align with their true essence. From the Holy Trinity of Healing to the profound impact this work has on relationships, business, and personal growth, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to live in alignment with their authentic self.
- CLICK HERE to connect with my Biz Soulmate Christina Achkar
- CLICK HERE for the Holy Trinity of Healing episode
- CLICK HERE for the God Wound: Healing Separation from God episode
- CLICK HERE to start your 7-day free trial of the Empress Sanctaury then click the content below to get started:
- CLICK HERE for the Holy Trinity of Healing
- CLICK HERE for Healing the Core Wounds of Humanity
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- 👸 CLICK HERE to start your 7-day free trial for The Empress Sanctuary membership
- 👩🏫 CLICK HERE to check out the Find Your WAI online courses
- 🔮 CLICK HERE to book a 1:1 Alchemy Session
- 🥳 CLICK HERE to connect with me on Instagram @lindseymeans_
(Transcribed by TurboScribe.ai. Go Unlimited to remove this message.) Hello gorgeous, welcome to the Find Your Way podcast where we are answering the question, who am I? Which is what way stands for. I'm your host, Lindsay Means, business alchemist and human design expert. I help women step into their royal empress birthright by embodying their human design, creating alchemy in their lives with ceremony and rituals, and cultivating sacred union within by harmonizing masculine and feminine energies. I'm so grateful that you're here, now let's get started. Today's episode where we're going to be talking about cultivating sacred union within. So after re-listening to the last episode that I did, and if you haven't listened to it, go back and listen now, I realized that I wanted to give some updates. I was talking to my bis soulmate, also soul sister, Christina, and I'm actually going to link her in the show notes because she's fucking amazing. She's the effortlessly feminine on social media and she is a badass. She's a projector, a four six, and I am obsessed with her. We were talking about it and she was like, you know, I don't really think this has to do with money. If a woman makes more money than her man, that's not necessarily bad, and if you got the idea, or if I sounded like I was making it seem like if you're making more money than your man, that's a bad thing, that wasn't what I was saying. What Christina beautifully brought up is she was like, it doesn't have anything to do with money. It's just, are you in polarity? If you are the bread winner, is your husband supporting you with that, or your partner, or whatever? It's really about purpose. That's the big thing. If a man doesn't have purpose, then he's not going to be content. Whether he's conscious of it or not, that's the thing that I don't think that I got across in the last episode, is it really doesn't have to do with money. It has to do with purpose. If a man is more in his feminine, he's not going to have that feeling of purpose because purpose doesn't drive the feminine. If you're in a partnership and you're making more money and you're more in the masculine, your man's going to be more in the feminine because the law of polarity does exist. Deep down, at the core of a man's being, purpose is what drives him. If he doesn't have that, he is not going to be fulfilled. I think that that was what I really wanted to point out. It's not, and obviously these are generalized statements. I feel like most men, I don't think their purpose is to take care of the babies and to clean the house and do the feminine sort of jobs or roles in the household. I really don't think a man is going to be fulfilled, completely fulfilled in that role. Maybe he feels like he is, but I feel like that man is probably more in his feminine. If you're in this situation, you listening, if you're a woman, are probably more in your masculine. That's really what I wanted to bring to the table with that episode is the imbalance of masculine and feminine energies. This is something that we go into in the Empress Sanctuary. It's called the Holy Trinity of Healing. This is huge. It's so fucking huge for your business, for your relationships, for your life. If you have unhealthy masculine and feminine energies within you, if your energies are not harmoniously pivoting back and forth, and if they're not harmonious, it's going to cause chaos in your life. The Holy Trinity is about healing separation from God, healing masculine and feminine energies. I have a podcast episode on this that I will link in the show notes. Then I also have all sorts of stuff. All of the things. I have education, activations, and ceremonies to support you in healing this. I really want to dive into how can you tell if you need to heal the masculine. I believe that it starts with the fucking masculine. Also, it's 444 here as I'm recording this. The masculine, there's light and dark sides of everything. The light aspects of the masculine are action, initiative, logic, reasoning, protection, strength, resilience, leadership, integrity, purpose. We need all of these in business. I'm not saying you shouldn't be in your masculine in business because we need this. However, we also need to operate in our feminine because as women, generally, you are going to be more naturally feminine dominant. So if you are always in your masculine or if you're in the shadow of the masculine and you don't have a healthy relationship with your masculine, look at how you view men. How you view men will give you a very good awareness of how you view your inner masculine. If you're like, fucking men suck. They're losers. They're assholes. Believe me, when I went through the healing the masculine within ceremony, I think it was three hours. I think I was journaling for a good hour and I was shocked. I had done a lot of masculine healing already and I was shocked at what was coming through with my journaling and what my subconscious thought about the masculine. It was not nice and it was not pretty and once I healed that, it was really powerful. So the shadow aspects are aggression, emotional suppression. This is the one that I feel like comes up a lot with women. Control 1,000%. 1,000% exerting control over situations, people leading to dominance or loss of freedom. Rigidity and over dominance. And over dominance as in suppressing feminine qualities in oneself and others leading to imbalance. So those are the two that I feel like are, well the three, emotional suppression, control and over dominance. I feel like those are what show up with women the most. And let's say you're listening to this and you're like, well damn, I'm in all of the shadows. That's okay. It's just giving you awareness that there's an opportunity to heal here. And then with the feminine, the lighter aspects are nurturing, intuition, creativity, empath, being an empath, flexibility, receptivity. And the, oh also collaboration, healing and connected to nature. Now the shadow aspects of the feminine are over sensitivity, manipulation, dependence, passivity, mood fluctuation, smothering, victimization, neglection of self and resentment. And I'm just putting my hand up right now because I've been in all of those. Manipulation, passive. You know the passive thing for me has been waiting for someone to save me. Waiting for a man to save me. Waiting for whatever to save me. Smothering, victimization, neglecting myself, resentment, 1000% been in the shadow of that. And so I'm right here with you. Like I can't teach you anything I haven't gone through myself. And when you start cultivating sacred union within, I've been on a mission for, oh my God, at least like since my ex and I broke up to, I said, you know what? I will never fucking go through that again. Both of my partnerships love the men. They're good men, but it was a whole lot of what I don't want. And I've never been treated well by men. And it was because I had a lot of fucking shit to work through to be able to get to the point where I can receive from men. And can I tell you that in the last year, since I've been healing this, I have noticed a massive shift with how I'm treated by men and how I can, how my business has shifted as well. Because I think I talked about this in one of the episodes where I was viewing my business as a woman, as a feminine energy. And now I'm viewing my business as masculine energy and oh my God, it's such a difference. It's such a fucking difference. Your business is the masculine, the structures you have, the automation that you have, the, it's the container for your feminine to flow with your creativity. And if you have an imbalance with your masculine and feminine energies, it's not going to flow as well. And so this is a huge thing. This is huge for relationships. My God, like when I started to realize fuck, like I'm Matt, I'm very masculine and I was attracting feminine men and, and then I started shifting and, and it has been, like I just said, it's been a beautiful experience to start seeing the world through a new lens. Here's the thing. Men just want to be appreciated. Like men just want to be appreciated. They are doing the best that they can. They are trying, even if they don't seem like they're trying, they are like deep down at their core. They want to please women. They want to pleasure us. They want to support us. They want to protect us. They, they are, they are kind, they are loving, they are, they are sensitive. And, you know, we, I, I used to, because I was in my masculine so much, I used to be like, eh, like repulsed by a man who was being emotional. And now it's such a beautiful thing. I have experienced situations where men were just allowing their emotions to move through them. And it's such a beautiful thing to hold space for that. And men have feminine energy too. It's just, it's the balance. It's all about balance. That's what I really wanted to drive home with this episode is there is nothing wrong with the woman making more money. There's nothing wrong with the man making more money. There's nothing wrong with splitting things down the middle. Like you do you I'm, I'm just giving you my, my thoughts on things and my thoughts shift. I have an open Ajna in human design. And as I was having that conversation with Christina, I was like, damn, I want to do a follow-up to this because I, I do feel like that last episode felt a little black and white. And I don't want, I don't view the world at least anymore is it isn't black and white. However, like the law of polarity exists. The generally men are designed to be more masculine energy dominant, but they also flow. Like it's not like, oh, men are 70% masculine, 30% feminine. No, no, no, no, no. It flows. It fluctuates. Sometimes the men need to be more in their feminine. And sometimes the, the, the men, the women need to be more in their masculine. And it's just how it really boils down to what is within you. How are you harmonizing those energies within you? How are you focusing on healing? Your feminine healing, your masculine within, because as within, so without, and here's the thing, when you start shifting into your feminine, let's say you're in a marriage right now and you're listening to this, your, the, these podcasts and you're like, fuck, like I am definitely more in my wounded masculine, or I am, I've been masculine all of my life and it's a safety mechanism. And I don't, I want to lean into my feminine. Like there's so many women out there, especially in like the spiritual solopreneur space. That's like, I want to be in my feminine. I want to be in my feminine. I want to be in my feminine. But here's the thing, in my opinion, and in my experience, I have been on a masculine, I've been studying masculine and feminine energy for the last like seven fucking years. And for the first four years of it, I was trying so damn hard to get into my feminine. And I was like, what the fuck is wrong here? And it's because I didn't have a healthy relationship with my inner masculine. And when I earlier this year, whenever I had a massive healing, which really started with healing and separation from God, and I have a podcast episode that I'll link below, it's a God wound. And this one was huge because I grew up Christian. So I, I had this huge, like, I got sick for like two fucking weeks after this massive healing. And I realized, oh, fuck, like, I thought my fault, I thought masculine wounding came from my dad. But it came from God. Because as children, and when I say God, I'm not talking about the religious God, I'm talking about the divine and the God that is within all of us, and not the codependency God, the God that's going to condemn you to hell God, it's the divine, whatever that looks like to you. And I had such a deep connection to the divine as a child. And then I saw that, that I learned that God didn't love me, and I wasn't good enough. And I was going to hell. And that was brutal to a little innocent fucking child. And so I believe that healing separation from God is the start of healing the masculine within, especially if you grew up thinking that God is a man, and or masculine energy, and then healing the masculine, because you will never fully, in my opinion, you will never fully be able to step into your feminine, if you have not healed the masculine within. And we all have these energies, it doesn't matter what sex you are, we all have them. And so this is huge. And it's huge for business, too, my God. So that's really what I wanted to share with this episode is cultivating sacred union within. And that's a huge, huge pillar in find your way with my my business. And it's really important, it filters into every single fucking area of your life, I really feel like the Holy Trinity of healing, you focus on that, you won't have to focus on all the other wounds, you won't have to focus on mother, father, sister, which abandonment, rejection, attachment styles, I mean, you can focus on those. And I do have a healing core wounds of humanity course that goes into all of those core wounds. And if you're a female solopreneur, you probably have a witch or a sister wound. And if you've made mainly serve women like I do, you probably are essentially putting out a frequency that is preventing you from connecting with the women you're here to serve, because you feel like they're going to hurt you on a subconscious level. And so there is definitely it's definitely a good idea to focus on these things like this shit runs fucking deep, it's wound up in our DNA. And so it's not a one stop shop. That's the other thing is it's like I have done so much healing around the masculine, you'll see as we go through and continue through this journey that I'm going on, you'll see that pretty much each month, it's like I have a new layer is uncovered a new like, oh, shit, I had a huge experience with the masculine. And so I had more healing there a huge experience with the feminine more healing there or God or whatever. And so it's a never ending story. It's a never ending journey that you signed up for. And it's beautiful because that we have these tools. And so if you want to learn more about cultivating sacred union within harmonizing masculine and feminine energies, check out the podcast episodes below. Start your seven day free trial for the Empress sanctuary. I'll put the links for the healing, those core wounds and also the Holy Trinity of healing. And all you have to do is start your trial and then click those links and I'll send you straight there. And if you have any questions, if you want to start a dialogue about this, my DMS are always open. I would have I would love to have a conversation with you. And, you know, if anything that I say on this podcast or in any conversation with me triggers you, as I said in the last episode, like welcome the triggers. I think that some people are too afraid to trigger people. And I'm not trying to trigger you by any means. But if you are triggered, generally, it means there's a part of you that's ready to be healed. There's a part of you that is ready to be seen, witnessed, validated and ultimately loved and merged within you. There's all of these fractured like fractions of or fractals of our soul and our psyche and things happen. And a lot of it's when we're young and are like disassociation and soul fragments that that kind of get lost. And it's a protection mechanism. And most of the time when you're triggered, it has nothing to do with the situation. It's reminding you of an experience that you had that is bubbling up to the surface because it's ready for attention. It's ready for love. It's ready for healing. And so love on yourself. Just a beautiful way to to work through triggers is to a feel the feelings like you don't have to relive the trauma like that is not healthy. But well, I guess I don't think especially like big T traumas like it's not about reliving the trauma. It's about expressing the emotions that you weren't allowed to express in that moment. And that's where it's hard. The somatic work of healing can be difficult because emotions can be overwhelming. Emotions can be hard. Like, believe me, I know. And you know what? Three pathways to the feminine are through grief, rage, and anger. And these are pathways that people don't go down very often because we don't we don't want to feel grief. We've never learned like most of us haven't learned how to feel grief. Most of a lot of us know how to be angry. And I had someone asked me one time, like, what's the difference between anger and rage? And I feel like anger is personal and rage is societal. And there's a lot of feminine rage, like rage against how the earth is being mistreated, rage against human trafficking, rage against molestation and pedophiles and like all this fucking fucked up shit. And rage, anger, and grief are beautiful way to tap into the feminine. And and remember the suppression of emotions, like we learn to suck it up, we learn to stop being a baby. And we learn to to just really abandon ourselves is what's happening in that moment. Because if you're having an emotional response to something, that's normal. That's a nervous system regulation. If you're crying, the amount of women that say sorry, when they're crying, really fucking pisses me off. And it's not because they say sorry, it's because they've learned to say sorry. For having an emotional reaction, there's nothing wrong with an emotional reaction. I call every like I call if your body is having a reaction, like I call it purging, crying, sneezing, blowing snot out of your nose, throwing up, going to the bathroom, sweating, like all of this stuff is your body's way to release emotions and energy. I get so fucking hot when I'm doing energy work. I'm sweating my ass off and I sit with plant medicine and so anything as a purge, yawn, cry, it's all just your body's natural farting. Like it's all just your body's natural way of release. So let your you don't have to be sorry for letting your body do what it needs to do. It's beautiful. It's beautiful. Your tears have consciousness. So they want to be expressed into the world. Okay, so just let those little beautiful tears flow. So I hope you enjoyed this episode. I hope that you got something from it. And I hope that you have a beautiful day gorgeous. I'm so grateful that you listened to this episode of the Find Your Way podcast. If you want to connect on a deeper level, I would love to invite you to start your seven day free trial of the Empress Sanctuary membership. The main focus of this membership is to help you step into your Royal Empress birthright. We focus on embodying your human design, activating biz alchemy and harmonizing masculine and feminine energies. If you love this episode, share it on social media and tag me I'm at Lindsey means with an underscore. If you like this content, subscribe now so you never miss an episode and I'll see you next time.