Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means
Hey Gorgeous, Welcome to the Find Your WAI podcast where we are answering the question “Who Am I?” which is what WAI stands for. I’m your host, Lindsey Means, Biz Alchemist + Human Design Expert. 👸 I help soulpreneurs step into their royal Empress birthright by embodying their Human Design, activating biz alchemy, and cultivating Sacred Union within. I’m so grateful you’re here, now let’s get started!
Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means
#102 - Capricorn Season 2023: Structure, Healing, and Resilience
In this episode, Lindsey explores the transformative energy of Capricorn season. As a powerful cycle associated with CEO energy, structure, discipline, and resilience, Capricorn season invites reflection on progress, ambition, and the grounding of purposeful action. Lindsey shares personal experiences from this season, including an intense mushroom ceremony that led to deep generational healing, and a heartwarming reconnection with her father. She also dives into personal stories of breakthroughs, triggers, and healing, and emphasizes the importance of listening to one's body and intuition. Lindsey highlights how her unique approach, the 4x4 method, integrates plant medicine, Human Design, and ceremonial work, inviting listeners to tap into their body’s wisdom as a guiding compass.
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- CLICK HERE to listen to the "Just Be Happy" Isn't Possible For 50% of the Population episode
- CLICK HERE to listen to the Big 3 in Human Design episode
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Hello gorgeous, welcome to the Find Your Way podcast where we are answering the question, who am I? Which is what WAI stands for. I'm your host, Lindsay Means, business alchemist and human design expert. I help women step into their royal empress birthright by embodying their human design, creating alchemy in their lives with ceremony and rituals, and cultivating sacred union within by harmonizing masculine and feminine energies.
I'm so grateful that you're here, now let's get started. Welcome to Capricorn season 2023. So Capricorn is an earth sign and the themes for this cycle, which some of this are Capricorn, some of this was personal for me at that time, because if you're new to this series, I use the four by four method, a new way to manifest to harness the power of plant medicine.
I mainly use hot bake, cacao, cannabis, oracle cards, intuition, inner child work. It is so fucking fun, so fucking powerful. And the link will be in the show notes if you want to get access to that.
So pretty much everything that I do is inside of the emperor's sanctuary. And so you will get a link to start your seven day free trial to dip your toes in to the four by four method and everything else that is included inside. And you know, I want to say this because I was talking to someone the other day and I was like, man, like I've reached out to so many people about all of the content that is inside of the emperor's sanctuary.
When I talk about the sacred, the sacred soul blueprint, or the alchemy of influence, or any of these things, which wound, the sister wound, it's all held in the emperor's sanctuary. And there's literally a risk-free trial. You don't even have to enter your credit card details.
If you don't, if you, the only way you pay is if you actually want to be inside. And I was talking to my friend bridge and I was like, what the fuck? Like, I don't know why people aren't joining. And she's like, Lindsay, they probably feel like it's too good to be true.
Like you have three live calls, you get all your online courses, you have new content monthly, you have a telegram community. Like you're, you're super connected with them. Like they probably think it's too good to be true.
Well, I'm here to tell you it's not. And I'm the type of person where if I could do everything in my business for free, I would, but your girl does need to receive money in order to live. And so I, I, I do need, like, I do feel like there's an energy exchange.
If you actually want to continue receiving the content, there is an energy exchange that is required, that is needed. But if even if you don't stay, if you don't become an official impress, I've set the intention that this container will activate you one way or the other, whether it's paid free, it doesn't really matter to me because if you're meant to be there, if you're meant to be an official impress, you will. And so I just want to let you know, dive in, like dip your toes and take advantage of this because I want you to be activated one way or the other.
So rant over with that. So Capricorn season for 2023 was all about CEO, energy, structure, discipline, resilience, endurance, systems, progress, ambition, success, purposeful action, self identity, body appearance, revolution, invention, tech surprises, genius values, money, income, self-worth, pleasure, roots, lineage, home, and the inner world. And this was a pretty profound season as I was going through looking before I started this call.
So it started off with pretty chill, a chill weekend. This was right before Christmas. So this year for Christmas, I did the biggest mushroom ceremony of my life.
And I had previously, I don't even know what strain I was working with, but for this ceremony, I, I think this, I'm pretty sure this was the first time I used penis envy. So if you don't know what penis envy is, it is a very potent strain of psychedelic mushrooms. And it was the most intense mushroom journey I've ever gone on.
I had womb healing. I had dad healing. It was magical as fuck.
And then it was fucking scary because I thought that I was stuck in cartoon land. Like most of the ceremonies I did before a couple of them, like different strains of mushrooms do different things. And for the last few handful of ceremonies, I had a different strain and it wasn't really giving me many visuals.
It was giving me deep, deep healing. And this time I got all the visuals. I was in a cartoon world.
I was in a cartoon land. And every single time I had sat with mushrooms before I do a process called lemon techie, feel free to DM me on Instagram. If you want to learn more about that, but I do this process.
And every time, no matter how much I take it always, the intensity had always been about three hours. Well, the intensity was still going about six hours in. And I was like, Holy fucking shit.
Like, am I going to be stuck here? Like I was definitely, uh, feeling a little paranoid. And then finally I started coming off, coming down off of the intensity of it. And I ended up calling my dad and I, my dad and I, if you've been listening to my podcast for a while, if you go back to season number one, I should probably relisten to that episode, but I've gone through a big healing journey with my dad.
And I, I honestly, like at one point I thought he would die and I would never talk to him again. I don't think I saw him for like seven. I think it was like seven years that I didn't see him in person.
And through my healing journey, it helped facilitate healing with us. And while I have come to the conclusion or the acceptance that my dad will never be the type of dad that I've always wanted, he's doing the best he can. And even recently he's been reaching out to me more consistently, like things are shifting and things are changing.
And this is a beautiful thing about healing, especially when you're doing generational trauma work. Like the first three ayahuasca sits that I did were deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep generational trauma on my dad's I'm native American. I'm Pottawatomie and I'm on the rolls.
And in order to be on the rolls, like I'm a 16th Pottawatomie. I'm the last like cutoff before you can't be considered or you can't be on the rolls. And so, I mean, come on, like, I don't even know what my native American ancestors went through, but I've been healing for them.
I've been healing from my dad's line. Like I've never really had a conversation with my dad, but I'm pretty sure he was sexually abused at some point. And I'm pretty sure he had a fucked up childhood.
And I had a download the other day. Oh shit. I think my dad is a fearful avoidant.
And I had never thought about that before. And it was like, oh man, like fearful avoidance in my mind are the most hurt people because they're vacillating between anxious and avoidant. And it's a lot.
And so it's just been really interesting, this whole healing journey. So coming back to Christmas, I called him and he was wasted. Like I could, he's an alcoholic and, and I could tell you it's really drunk.
And we were both alone on Christmas. And I called him and I was like, hi dad. And he was like, hi, are you okay? And I was like, no.
And I start bawling my eyes out and he's like, what's wrong? And I was like, I miss you. And it was beautiful. We ended up talking for an hour.
The longest I've talked to my dad on the phone ever, like ever in my life. This man does not like talking on the phone for longer than 20 minutes. And we talked for an hour and I could tell he was really drunk, but he was telling me all sorts of stories.
And I was just sitting there receiving from my dad and oh my God, it was so fucking beautiful. I really, really, really enjoyed it. And then next day, super fucking worn out shocker.
Um, after that I had a really amazing Empress coaching call the next day I had been demoing out, uh, alchemy transmissions. And so this was a monthly free offer that I did. And I had like seven people show up, which is really cool.
Um, and you know, these are the things that I have demoed out so many, so many ideas. And I think I did alchemy transmissions for maybe, I don't know, three months, three, four months. And even though that wasn't quote unquote successful, I learned a lot from it.
And every single session, whether it was one person or two people, like I was building up my channel, I was building up my, um, coaching guidance, chat like muscle. And so there's a lot of times when we do things in business that we feel like it's not successful, but it always is. There is no failure.
There's only feedback. And every single time you do an event, every single time you show up, you are building that muscle, which is such a beautiful thing. Um, and then let's see next day, super tired.
Next day I did an Akashic remembrance session with JJ. Um, super fun. I was really productive.
Uh, I was editing something. And so I got a lot of editing done, um, in Capricorn season, which Capricorn is action. Capricorn is masculine.
Capricorn is earth. Capricorn is the structure, the discipline, the resilience, the endurance, the systems of progress, the ambition, success, like purposeful action. And so I was really harnessing that Capricorn energy.
And this is also just a little side note, um, cause we're about to get into new year's Eve Capricorn January 1st is in Capricorn season. So from January 1st to the dates kind of shift a little bit each year, but generally it's like January 1st, uh, through like the 19th, 18, 19, 20th, 21st, somewhere around there we're in Capricorn season. So everyone who's like, oh my God, I'm going to go to the gym.
Like all the new year's resolutions, you got some Capricorn energy to support you with that for the first like two, three weeks. And then we move into Pisces. Then we move into the emotions.
Then we move into the 12th house sort of vibes. And that's a lot of times where people slip up with their new year's resolutions. January 1st is the worst time to set new year's resolutions.
The new year doesn't start until spring. Okay. We literally just got into winter.
Like Capricorn season is like winter. I think the solstice, the winter solstice was on like the 22nd, um, or the 21st or something like that. So just a side note, if you ever, like, if you are someone who has a hard time with your new year's resolutions, like it's okay.
Um, start your new year's in April, uh, with Aries season. And if you want support with that, the four by four method will help you. So let's get to new year's Eve.
I went to see one of my favorite artists, Axel Fayssef, and I'm going to put him in the show notes because he is fucking amazing. And it was, I was at this, like some sort of rave party thing in Austin. And it was so cool because I literally got to talk to him and I got to, I was so nervous.
I was like, Oh my God, your music changed my life. And he was like, thank you. Uh, and then I, I got to talk to with a really cool guy and I had a lot of fun and a beautiful day.
And the next day I slept in, I was amazed. There's so many times where I'm like, I was so lazy, but I always get a lot of shit done. And so then was getting, Oh, then I had a breakthrough.
So pretty much for like nine months, most of the, from Libra season and through a long time, I was getting triggered by someone in my life and their line five. And I was just getting triggered over and over and over and over again. And so I had a revelation that the reason that I was being triggered was because a part of me needed to be healed.
And so it's a beautiful thing when we look at our triggers, especially with line fives, both of my exes were line fives. And if you're like, what the fuck does that mean? Line five is part of human design. So this is part of your profile.
So when you look at your chart, you're going to have a fraction number and it's going to say profile. And the first number is a conscious, uh, energy within you. Your profile is basically your internal and external personality.
So the first number is your internal personality is what you resonate with most. And the second number is unconscious. It's what other people pick up on.
And so the line fives around you will trigger the fuck out of you. And you think it's their, their fault, but it's really something within. So I have learned that anytime a line five triggers me, I look within and sure enough, I found a little part that needed to be loved.
And then the next day was really big because I got triggered by a former bestie of mine. And it was so weird in the way that this like conversation happened. And essentially I was, I had an idea about a collaboration and she shot it down in, in such a like mean girl way.
And she was like, I would never collaborate with you. And I was like, Whoa. And it like really hurt my feelings.
And it was, uh, a time where I have been someone who has not shared my feelings with people. And she is an emotional authority and I have an open solar plexus and I'm going to link my 50% of the population, um, podcast so that you can learn more about what it means to be an open or, or a defined or undefined solar plexus person. Um, but I got really fucking triggered and it really hurt me.
And so I shared it with her and we worked it out, but it was still like really, it kind of, you know, when things happen and you're like, okay, like I see how she feels now. And, and so then it was like, okay, well I'm not going to ask her to collaborate with anything because she obviously doesn't want to collaborate with me. And so it was just a very interesting, like, okay, interesting sort of a moment.
Um, and then let's see, it was pretty much nothing to be noted of for the next few days. Uh, so, uh, in January 7th through 9th, I did a manifestation retreat with my friends, Jules and Taylor. And it was so much fun because I was planning on going as a participant.
And then later on they were like, Lindsay, do you want to actually help us facilitate? Because we were working with plant medicine and I was like, absolutely. And so it was so freaking cool because I think it was the last Sagittarius, no, it couldn't have been Sagittarius season. It must've been Scorpio season that I went to a retreat in Sedona and I did in-person.
I witnessed in-person work. I did in-person healing and I was like, oh my God, I want to do more of this. And so I was like, Hey, can I do some sessions? And it was so beautiful.
Uh, we were working with mushrooms and the women were like, so completely new to this life. Like none of them had, I don't think any of them have had sat with plant medicine before, full of light language. They might not even have known what the chakra systems were.
Uh, and so every single person who did a session with me that came out to the rest of the group were like, holy fucking shit. Like, I don't know what that was, but that was incredible. And I worked with every single person and it was so amazing.
Finally I had to be like, okay, I'm done. And there was one moment where this was super fascinating because I, I have a completely open solar plexus and human design. So if you're looking at your chart, there's numbers in all of the shapes and those are based off the E-chain.
Now, if you have a center, the shape that does not have any numbers connected to it, it'll be white and it'll have, it'll have numbers, but none of them are highlighted. None of them have a line coming out of it. So that's a completely open center.
So with completely open centers, you generally have an awareness of the, like a mental concept of what that means. So I have a mental concept of what emotions are, but they are not like essentially when you have a completely open center, it means you don't have anything to learn about that center in this life. You've lived enough lifetimes to where you have learned everything you need to learn about it.
And now you're in pure wisdom mode. But in my experience, you have to kind of decondition that center and realize what it is. And so with the open solar plexus, with any open solar plexus, you are a transmuter of emotions.
You like, you're like a black hole for emotions and you can be, if you're so grounded in your awareness and you're not being taken over by other people's emotions, you can kind of like suck them in and transmute them for people. So I share that because I, I actually did that in a session. So one of the women was experiencing a lot of grief and she was just crying, crying, crying.
So I did light language activation and she grabbed my forearm and I felt the grief like rush into my body. I started crying and I was supporting her and I could feel it. I was supporting her and transmuting it because I wasn't, I wasn't attaching myself to it.
I was just letting it flow through my body and, and processing it with her. And I just let her cry and I just let her cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, until she purged it all out. And it was such a beautiful thing.
That's why I love in person work so much. It's so magical. Um, so that was so beautiful because I, it was just such an amazing experience in more ways than one.
Um, and I'm really grateful that I got to do that. Um, and then I did some sort of unveiling transmission ceremony and I had 18 people live. I don't even remember what it was, but, um, Oh, it was probably the, it was a one-one-one portal.
It was a new moon in Capricorn. So I was doing something. Um, and you know, to, to have 18 people live, that's a lot for me.
And so it was very exciting because it's like, I had my very successful launch in Libra season. And then like, I was starting to see, I was starting to see momentum, but somewhere around the line, I self sabotaged and we'll probably get into that at some point. Um, so then I left for Puerto Rico and this was a wild trip.
So I think I talked about it in the last episode where I had a, a reading with an Akashic records reader and my guides were like, you need to go to the ocean. And within 20 with less than 24 hours, a friend Tyson reached out and we, he was like, yeah, come to come to Puerto Rico. And so I went to Puerto Rico and it was such an amazing trip.
Like he is definitely, well, he was, uh, a soul friend. So let's get into it. So I get there.
And before we had, before I had gone, we'd had a couple of calls and he kind of like acted like maybe I might be his soulmate. And then I started kind of thinking about it too. And I was like, Oh, interesting.
Like he was more kind of in the pursuing mode, I guess. Uh, and I was like, okay, interesting. Well, the moment I hugged him, I was like, yeah, Nope.
I am a six, two in human design. And the line six, the bonding strategy is you're either my soulmate or you're not. And I know real quick.
Um, and so as soon as I hugged him, I was like, yeah, he's not my man. Um, but we just had so much fun together. It was fun.
It was playful. The ocean was in his backyard. We like co-worked together.
We, we had like cuddles and I did light language with him. And, and that was, I think he might've been the first man that I did light language in front of because I I've been really, I don't know if the word scared is applicable, but it was just like light languages. It's vulnerable.
It was very vulnerable for me. And so I think he was the first person that I did light language with, um, and just being vulnerable, having fun, um, going to the ocean. We had so much fun.
And then we, I'm always just very much like an observer. I can tell when guys like me and then it's a little awkward when I don't like them. And so the last night I was there, he was getting real weird and he was like drinking a lot, which I was like, man, I thought this guy was like a spiritual man and no offense, like nothing against drinking.
You do you, but I do feel like alcohol is the devil's juice. Like alcohol, you can, you can go do a rabbit hole, ask ChadGBT. Like I saw some reel the other day that was like, if you're a moderate drinker and that's like one drink a day, you are killing your brain.
And I just alcohol, I feel like a lot of, in my own experience, I just started being like that to alcohol. Like I maybe have one, two drinks, maybe like four drinks a year. And it's always celebratory.
I always do. I work with the Akashic records as well. So alcohol is no good, no bueno for the, for the Akashic records.
And so I do a lot of spells and I do a lot of like intentions anytime I drink it. But I was just like, interesting. Like he was drinking a lot.
He seemed really fucking nervous. He was telling me about his romantic history and I have gate 13, which is the gate of the listener. And so I'm very used to people just telling me like their deepest, darkest secrets.
And I'm just very, I love listening and I love like just hearing people's stories. And so then finally I was like, Tyson, are, are you trying to like, do you like me? Like, are you trying to tell me that you like me? And he was like, yes. And I was like, you know, you're a really good guy, but I just don't feel it.
Like you feel like a friend and, and not anything more. And he like seemed very relieved and he's like, okay, good. Like, thank you for telling me.
And then he was going through some process. And so I like did light language for him. And then he was like, I'm going to go run.
And he's like, I don't know when I'll be back. And I was like, okay. And then he just left and he was gone for hours.
And I just went to bed and he finally came back. And the next day he was kind of really weird. And he was like, oh my God, like, thank you for that.
Like you activated the hell out of me and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And like he, he didn't, then he had some sort of weird thing happen with his neighbor and he almost didn't even like, I had to go eat lunch basically by myself. And I was like, is he even going to say goodbye before I go to the airport? Uh, it was just really weird.
And we basically like kind of talked a little bit afterwards. And then he just became like really fucking weird and went psycho. And I shouldn't say that, but he got real aggressive.
And I basically was like, this friendship is over. And I was like, what in the actual fuck? Like it was so fucking weird. And what I think happened is that I activated him.
I'm a dragon activator. A big part of my human design is a gate of shock and it's unconscious. And so I shock people into awakening.
I shock them. And, uh, I think that's what happened with him. And, uh, he couldn't handle it.
And he recently reached out and he's like, he comes across whether he means this or not. He comes across as very boastful. I'm like, I just made a million dollars and I just moved into a fancy place.
And are, do you think you are capable enough to support my high level clients with human design? And I was like, yeah, I am capable enough. And he was like, nevermind. We found someone.
And I was like, bro, are you just trying to like rub it in my face that you're tons of money, which I mean, cool, great. I'm happy for you, but it was just really fucking weird. So great experience.
I got what I needed. Like I got to the ocean and it was like a beautiful manifestation. And this is a beautiful Testament to not all relationships are meant to last forever.
And so it's really beautiful. Relationships are the deepest container for healing. Like the day after I came home, I got triggered again by that person that I had been just triggering being triggered by over and over and over.
And I recognized that there was a part of me that talks shit about my dad was coming through. And so I had the awareness of seeing people through a negative lens or through the lens of love. And so every single time I'm triggered, every single time shit happens to me, I'm like, what the fuck was that? There's always something that comes of it.
And it makes life exciting. Like, as you listen to my life was so fucking boring before I started my healing journey, like so black and white or like gray. I was just like, like a hamster.
What is that movie? It's like the damn it. What is it? It's the Groundhog Day movie where it's just like over and over and over. You're doing the same shit over and over and over.
And that's what my life used to be like. And then I started this healing journey. It's like, damn, all of these adventures, all of these things.
And my mom, my poor mom, I love her because I was like, yeah, I'm going to Puerto Rico to stay with a man I've never met. We've been Facebook friends for years. And she's like, Lindsay, what are you doing? And I'm like, Mom, it's a hell fucking yes to my body.
And I'm responding. And she's like, OK, well, tell me when you get there safely. And that's kind of the whole point of why I started this series is because I've lived.
I'm realizing that I don't really live a normal life. And literally every single season, something crazy fucking happens to me. And so I hope that you're enjoying this, these stories and this journey.
Also, another thing is that while I was in Puerto Rico, I was thinking about my sex magic partner, Joe, and he reached out to me and then I saw him. And I was also in an ayahuasca portal. And so it's just all so interesting because Joe showed up after an ayahuasca journey, like he was my ayahuasca gift.
And then I had sex, sex, magic partner for three months. And then it just started going downhill from there. But anyways, that is Capricorn season.
And what do I want? What do I want the lesson for this to be? I feel like the overarching lesson is listen to your body, listen to your body and trust it. Like if you're a spleenic authority, your spleen may may speak and you're like, what the fuck? I don't want to do that. Do it anyways.
If you're sacral, it's 100 percent. Hell, yes. And your mind's like, what the fuck? Do it anyway.
It's like start trusting your body. Start experimenting. Pay attention to your theme for life.
That's how you'll know if you're in alignment or out of alignment and just really anchoring into the body. It's all about the body, the body, the body, the body. So listen to your body.
Listen to your remember strategy, authority, theme. That's all you really need to know. And I will link a podcast episode below if you have never heard of what that means.
And so, yeah, thank you for being here. Thank you for listening. If you had an aha moment, if you want to share something, DM me on Instagram.
I would love to connect with you and I hope that you have a beautiful day, gorgeous. I am so grateful that you listened to this episode of the Find Your Way podcast. If you want to connect on a deeper level, I would love to invite you to start your 14 day free trial of the Empress Sanctuary membership.
The main focus of this membership is to help you step into your royal empress birthright. We focus on human design, ceremonial rituals, and harmonizing masculine and feminine energies the most. If you love this episode, share it on social media and tag me.
I'm at Lindsay Means with an underscore. If you like this content, subscribe now so you never miss an episode and I'll see you next time.