Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means
Hey Gorgeous, Welcome to the Find Your WAI podcast where we are answering the question “Who Am I?” which is what WAI stands for. I’m your host, Lindsey Means, Biz Alchemist + Human Design Expert. 👸 I help soulpreneurs step into their royal Empress birthright by embodying their Human Design, activating biz alchemy, and cultivating Sacred Union within. I’m so grateful you’re here, now let’s get started!
Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means
#80 - Cyclical Living + Business with Jeana Reed
In this episode, Jeana Reed and I talk all about Cyclical Living, what it is, the phases that you go through, how to use it in your business and so much more!
You're invited to the masterclass with Jeana on May 4th at 6 PM CST! CLICK HERE to DM me on Instagram to get the link.
Jeana is a fertility awareness educator and menstrual cycle coach. Her mission is to provide the education & tools needed to work with your hormones instead of against them. She believes it's your birthright to love your body in each stage of its stunning evolution, but when it comes to embracing your cycles chances are you weren't taught much about it and haven't had the opportunity to ask about it since. She's changing how we approach the conversation around periods and all things cyclical by teaching women how to track their cycles, live in sync with all four phases of their cycle, and embrace that it's their birthright to feel at home within their bodies.
- Website: www.serialhealers.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/serialhealers
- CLICK HERE for the Track Your Cycle Masterclass
- CLICK HERE for the Cycle Syncing Subscription
✨ Thank you for listening! Check out the links below to connect with me!
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- 👩🏫 CLICK HERE to check out the Find Your WAI online courses
- 🔮 CLICK HERE to book a 1:1 Alchemy Session
- 🥳 CLICK HERE to connect with me on Instagram @lindseymeans_