Find Your WAI with Lindsey Means

#61 - Energetic Hygiene + Rituals

Season 6 Episode 61

In this episode, I'm talking about the power of rituals and energetic hygiene behind the chair. 

Let me ask you a question, are you experiencing any of the following?

  • You have a hard time focusing
  • You’re constantly multi-tasking
  • You’re extra emotional, or sensitive to the emotions of the people around you
  • You’re lacking energy or drained, or wake up feeling exhausted
  • You feel stressed or anxious
  • You’re easily overwhelmed

If you said "YES" to any of the above this episode is for you. Make sure you check out the Energetic Hygiene + Rituals Alchemy Session within the  Creating Alchemy Membership if you want to learn more.

CLICK HERE to join now and get online courses, replays, and more

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Thank you for listening! Check out the links below to connect with me!

  • 👸 CLICK HERE to start your 7-day free trial for The Empress Sanctuary membership

  • 👩‍🏫 CLICK HERE to check out the Find Your WAI online courses

  • 🔮 CLICK HERE to book a 1:1 Alchemy Session

  • 🥳 CLICK HERE to connect with me on Instagram @lindseymeans_

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